Puzzle Parlor (Women 40+)

January 13 @ 9:00 pmJanuary 17 @ 10:00 pm ET

Puzlkind co-Poobah Sarah Jane Lapp and Puzlkind’s PuzzlePolisher Rani MacNeal offer the Revel community a curated journey into an artist’s jigsaw puzzle gallery! Our inaugural session will honor MLK and we’ll talk about Courage! What gives you courage?

We will offer a quick demo of the app itself; please bring a fully-charged mobile device, iPad, or desktop access to Steam for you gamers.

Puzlkind Happy Hour

January 13 @ 9:00 amJanuary 17 @ 10:00 am EST

Connect & Reflect – Where do you find Courage?

In honor of MLK. Please attend in-app via the button labeled “Join Happy Hour” at the bottom of the Puzlkind app homepage.